Course sections




There are some bugs in the plugin that we used to put together this class; I am deeply, deeply sorry that these exist. It is very likely they will be fixed in the future, but at the moment there is nothing we can do about these issues. Please read through the notes below before getting started to avoid confusion and frustration while you’re taking the class.

You cannot skip through sections or content. You must complete the lessons in order.

To proceed to the next lesson or section, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click COMPLETE. This will turn the box around the word a different color and change the word to COMPLETED. Then choose “next lesson” to continue.Image


If you try to click “Next Lesson” before you’ve hit “Complete,” you will be sent back to the beginning of the lesson.

If you try to click ahead through the lessons that you haven’t done yet using the menu on the right-hand side, you will either be taken back to the beginning of the lesson or to the beginning of the course.

Taking and Retaking Quizzes


When you finish a quiz, you will get a popup that tells you your score and gives you two choices: retake quiz or show answers. If you choose show answers because you want to review the correct answers and see what you got wrong before taking the quiz again, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “previous lesson” to go back one lesson, then choose “next lesson” to go back to the quiz page and be given the option to take the quiz again. I know–this is so annoying! I hope they fix this issue in a future release of the plugin.

Note that once you have received an 80% on a quiz, you will not be able to retake it.

I have the ability to reset the entire class for you so you could basically start again from scratch, but I do not have the ability to reset a quiz for you so you can take it again if you got higher than 80% on your last attempt.

You can click on the “i” next to an answer on a quiz to see additional information about a right or wrong answer.


Contacting Morgan for Help

If you run into any problems while taking this class, please feel free to reach out by clicking here!